clone VM from AHV to ESXi
clone VM from AHV to ESXi Reference article: get vmdk UUID acli vm.get {VM name} export vmdk qemu-img convert -O vmdk nfs://{container}/.acropolis/vmdisk/{vmdk UUID} nfs://{export container}/{export vmdk name.vmdk} & verify export vmdk processing ps -A |grep qemu if show nothing or done,it’s mean completed mount this comtainer to ESXi host create VM for this vmdk and copy the vmdk file to the VM directory ssh to ESXi host cp {source vmdk path} {destination path} & you can use winscp to verify the copy schedule create the vmdk disk descriptor(Nutanix default use Thin Provisioned) vmkfstools -i {source vmdk} {new vmdk} -d thin mount this vmdk on ESXi VM and it should be power on success if the OS is windows 10,need UEFI boot edi...